How to Have a Great Sex Life Once You Have Kids
Learn how to keep your sex life passionate and exciting even after kids.
You’ve finally put the kids to bed and tidied up the house. You feel exhausted but you know your husband is in the bedroom waiting for his time with you. You pull yourself together and set your mind to please him. You run and take a shower, put on your best perfume and slip into your sexy lingerie. You walk into the bedroom to surprise your husband and see your three year standing at the door. He looks up to you with his innocent blue eyes and says "Mommy, I had a bad dream can I sleep with you and daddy?
What happened to those good old days where your sex life was exciting and you had all the time in the world? That’s right, you had kids. Having kids is a wonderful and exciting step that many couples take at some time in their life. Now comes the challenge of learning to balance you life so no area, especially your sex life, suffers.
Studies show that nearly 1 out of 2 marriages or relationships end up dissolving. People ask why? The main reason is once things begin to change in the relationships like the addition of a child people forget to readjust and prioritize. There is good news though; you don’t have to be a statistic. Couples have learned the secret to keeping their sex life alive and exciting amidst life’s many changes.
One thing that you truly have to forget and let go of is having everything go as planned. You now have to learn to be spontaneous and use surprise moments for your advantage. Nap times are a perfect example of this. Don’t let these moments pass you by. The cleaning and the dishes will get done. Take this opportunity to lock yourselves in the bedroom and enjoy each other. If the kids get lost in playing with their toys or watching their favorite Dora adventure, run to your bedroom and make the most of your extra moments. You will probably laugh about all your crazy, yet satisfying sexual experiences you had and it will add excitement to your life not knowing when you will have another opportunity spring into your relationship.
We all love grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles, and close friends. Don’t be embarrassed about asking for help. Have your child(ren) spend a night at grandma’s house once in a while so you can have an invigorating night together without having to worry about waking up your kids. Make plans to make this night memorable, go out to a romantic dinner, go see a movie together, stop by the coffee shop and pour your hearts out to each other. On the way home set the mood use words that will let your partner you can’t wait to bring them home and make love all night long. Show each other that having kids hasn’t changed a thing; sex can be as pleasurable and exhilarating as ever. Try new positions and techniques to spice things up and keep them electrifying. Establish in your relationship a date night at least once a month to build on your relationship and lead up to great sexual experiences.
Books are a great resource to have. Make a goal to read at least one book every couple month or so on how to keep you sex life alive and well. There are many great books out there that give you ideas on how to keep things exciting and surprising once you go through the many changes in your relationship, especially having kids. You can’t let the facts of having kids allow you to lose your romantic spark and fire. Buy new and exciting lingerie or outfits to excite each other. Bring home gifts and surprises for each other to show that the only thing that has changed is that you love each other more than ever. Having sex on a regular basis is essential to having and keeping a relationship strong and passionate. Being spontaneous and having the right mind set can open the door to a new level of sexual intimacy in your relationship.
8:56 AM |
How to Have a Great Sex Life Once You Have Kids
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