Chinese Traditional Culture & Perfect Sexual Health Preserver(1)
I love to share my knowledge with you. I love to introduce the concept of "Chinese perfect sexual health "to you. Introduce China to you.
"Sexual health" has become a hot topic in western countries, there are so many advertisements to influence you.
I am a Chinese and living in China, my conscience has told me Western people need knowledge more than pills. Is it worthy to talk about "penis size?" Is it right to destroy the confidence or pride of men? Why do they boast their second best "natural male enhancement"?
Medical authorities on sex questions tell us that an overwhelming majority of aphrodisiacs now flooding our market have hormone constituents which can stimulate blood circulation in the human body, speedily suffusing the spongy tissue of the male penis with blood in a small multiple of ten minutes to effect the erection of the male penis. At the same time, this will promote abnormally excessive secretion of determiners governing the sexual vigor. In this way, the aim of making strong the sexual desire is reached, and the male sexual partner’s function in sexual life is accomplished in a short spell. But after the exhilaration, there will come the long period of suffering. Such drugs, if used over a long time, will damage the blood circulation system in male penis, numbing the nerves in the spongy tissue.Moreover, the secretion of determiners of sexual vigor will be thrown into disorder, the sexual energy will be overdrawn, resulting in drug dependence and further weakening of the man’s constitution and his sinking into a fearful swamp.
You need knowledge! Today no one can avoid being influenced by advertisements. We are no longer free to choose the things we want, for advertising exerts a subtle influence on us. Advertisers have made a close study of human nature and have classified all our little weaknesses. I have read the advertisements of 5 top sales volume "natural male enhancement" in western countries, they are all telling you their products are natural and effective, that is no harm and can work!
May be you need to hear another king of voice; this voice is coming from Eastern country. Many times we dream to eat different kind of food; but the sad truth is that most of us have been brought up to eat certain foods and we stick to them all our lives. So you need a warmhearted guide. I hope to tell you: You are just making do with second best.
In the course of development of human civilization there have appeared four traditional medical systems. Apart from the Chinese traditional medicine, there were Egyptian, Roman, and Indian medical systems. However, the latter three traditional medical systems gradually declined until they became extinct, with only individual prescriptions having survived by being scattered and preserved among the populations.
Western medicine has a history of only over 200 years, while traditional Chinese medicine was the unique system of medical treatment of the Chinese people for thousands of years and, by virtue of its safety and efficacy, has made important contributions to the procreation and thriving of the Chinese people and has shown its tremendous vitality at the same time. Introduce another medicine system or another concept of "perfect" to western people is quite difficult. In my series articles I will also tell you some history of China, even our philosophy, some interesting stories, Chinese culture and custom. Please wait my next article.
I love to share my knowledge with you. I love to introduce the concept of "Chinese perfect sexual health "to you. Introduce China to you.
"Sexual health" has become a hot topic in western countries, there are so many advertisements to influence you.

Medical authorities on sex questions tell us that an overwhelming majority of aphrodisiacs now flooding our market have hormone constituents which can stimulate blood circulation in the human body, speedily suffusing the spongy tissue of the male penis with blood in a small multiple of ten minutes to effect the erection of the male penis. At the same time, this will promote abnormally excessive secretion of determiners governing the sexual vigor. In this way, the aim of making strong the sexual desire is reached, and the male sexual partner’s function in sexual life is accomplished in a short spell. But after the exhilaration, there will come the long period of suffering. Such drugs, if used over a long time, will damage the blood circulation system in male penis, numbing the nerves in the spongy tissue.Moreover, the secretion of determiners of sexual vigor will be thrown into disorder, the sexual energy will be overdrawn, resulting in drug dependence and further weakening of the man’s constitution and his sinking into a fearful swamp.
You need knowledge! Today no one can avoid being influenced by advertisements. We are no longer free to choose the things we want, for advertising exerts a subtle influence on us. Advertisers have made a close study of human nature and have classified all our little weaknesses. I have read the advertisements of 5 top sales volume "natural male enhancement" in western countries, they are all telling you their products are natural and effective, that is no harm and can work!
May be you need to hear another king of voice; this voice is coming from Eastern country. Many times we dream to eat different kind of food; but the sad truth is that most of us have been brought up to eat certain foods and we stick to them all our lives. So you need a warmhearted guide. I hope to tell you: You are just making do with second best.
In the course of development of human civilization there have appeared four traditional medical systems. Apart from the Chinese traditional medicine, there were Egyptian, Roman, and Indian medical systems. However, the latter three traditional medical systems gradually declined until they became extinct, with only individual prescriptions having survived by being scattered and preserved among the populations.
Western medicine has a history of only over 200 years, while traditional Chinese medicine was the unique system of medical treatment of the Chinese people for thousands of years and, by virtue of its safety and efficacy, has made important contributions to the procreation and thriving of the Chinese people and has shown its tremendous vitality at the same time. Introduce another medicine system or another concept of "perfect" to western people is quite difficult. In my series articles I will also tell you some history of China, even our philosophy, some interesting stories, Chinese culture and custom. Please wait my next article.
7:53 PM |
Chinese Traditional Culture Perfect Sexual Health Preserver
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